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SupadElixir / HAHN¡¯S PEPTIDE¡¯S Ultimate Relief Cream
  • NAME °ü¸®ÀÚ
  • DATE 2018-07-11 00:00:00
  • VIEW COUNT 36528

SupadElixir (CEO: Jang-hee Hahn) is a bio venture company of Kangwon National University School of Medicine founded in 2009.


The company has developed over 40 kinds of functional peptides derived from human proteins and received over 30 patents on these peptides.


Among them, HAHN¡¯S PEPTIDE¡¯s products contain  more than 10 kinds of functional peptides that show excellent efficacy in anti-aging, skin regeneration, removing wrinkles, and brightening the skin tone.


Hans Peptide¡¯s Ultimate Relief Cream is a non-irritating soothing cream that was created based on numerous research and accumulated know-how from researchers at Kangwon National University School of Medicine.


Binterin, a patented ingredient which is great for skin soothing, calms the skin down from external stimuli such as dermatologic procedures or fine dust and ultraviolet rays.


It also contains niacinamide, a brightening ingredient, and Winhibin, a patented ingredient that brightens up dull skin.


Ultimate Relief Cream is the perfect solution for the skin irritated and reddened by fine dust and the ultraviolet rays during the changing season like this.


Unlike other brands which require induction devices such as liposome or Meso roller , the peptides contained in Hans Peptide¡¯s Ultimate Relief Cream are absorbed directly into skin, providing immediate relief the skin damaged by ultraviolet rays.


It is made from non-irritating formula without nine ingredients including animal raw materials, flavor, tar color and talc, and can be used by the whole family.


The consumer price is 45,000 won. For more information, please visit the website or make a call.


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